Some books are undeservedly forgotten; none are undeservedly remembered.
[W. H. Auden]

Sunday, January 29, 2006

I Dub Thee 'Sleek'

Well, we have a new cat that claims our home is hers (or his, whatevah).
This morning, my mom thought she heard a cat on our front porch, but she knew Zowi was indoors, so she didn't pursue it. This afternoon, however, the cat is meowing and meowing at our front door, jumping up on the bench and looking in our window, and when we open the door, she tries to dart in. My mom calls her Sleek. Since she has no collar and appears rather thin (though no starving, by any means), I think we should keep her.

My parents and, of course, Zowi, disagree. It will be interesting to see how long Sleek sticks around. It's funny, Zowi always blinks and refuses to look at the camera when I take her picture; Sleek seems quite photogenic, smiling at the attention.


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