Some books are undeservedly forgotten; none are undeservedly remembered.
[W. H. Auden]

Monday, November 07, 2005

So it Begins...

The 2005-06 basketball season began Thursday evening, starting with five strenuous practices in the space of 48 hours, with an all-nighter at the coaches' on Friday, where we stayed up watching Coach Carter til past 2 AM (smart decision, we know). Two people have dropped, putting our number down to eleven, with another girl considering quitting, also. Today's practice came much easier, my only real comlaint being the temperature of the gym; it's cold at the beginning of practices, and I've developed quite a cough from the irritation. Have to talk to the Coaches Pullman about that one...(Yes, the names of the innocent have been changed to protect their identities.) Varsity is going to be incrementing a new play this year, and we players are supposed to be musing about what to name it. I think it should be called "Renegade," or something random like "Zealand," just for the heck of it. Either way, I'm finding the exercise is really releaving an overload of stress right now, even if part of that stress is from basketball. Go figure...



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